Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Minister of Foreign Affairs from Maldives visits Timor-Leste

Minister Zacarias da Costa with Minister Ahmed Shaheed

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives, Mr. Ahmed Shaheed, arrived today for an an official visit of four days to Timor -Leste.

Minister Ahmed Shaheed greeting Minsitry of Foreign Affairs' senior staff .

Early in the afternoon Minister Ahmed Shaheed paid a cortesy visit to the Minister of foreign Affairs, Dr. Zacarias Albano da Costa .

During the meeting, the Ministers discussed issues of common interest for both countries, including the consolidation of the democratic process inh both young nations, and the impact of climate change on both countries.
Minister Saheed with Minister Zacarias da Costa

During his stay in Timor-Leste, Minister Saheed will pay a cortesy visit to H.E. the President of Republic, Dr Ramos Horta, the Vice-Minister, Jose Luis Guterres, and the Vice-President of the Parliament, Mr Vicente Guterres.

On Friday, Mr Shaheed will have wide ranging discussions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the participation of the Minister of Economy and Development, Joao Goncalves, Minister of Commerce and Tourism and Industry,Mr. Gil Alves and Departmental officers.END